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Prescott Elementary Tour and Enrollment Drive

Eric Marcus

I was born in South Bend, Indiana where my family owned and operated a small business for over 50 years...

I was born in South Bend, Indiana where my family owned and operated a small business for over 50 years...

Feb 6 2 minutes read

I have 5th and 2nd grade children at Prescott Elementary and is Secretary of the Prescott Local School Council.

We have watched Prescott flourish and grow over the last 6 years.  Our oldest started in Kindergarten in 2011 wehn Prescott was a fledgling school that a year earlier was on the brink of shut down due to under enrollment.   With the help of parent volunteering, participation and interaction, and the trememdous teachers, principal and support staff, Prescott has since become a force and one of the top acheiving neighborhood schools in Chicago Public Schools.     

In 2016, Chicago Magazine rated Prescott #14 in the city out of 300 schools including charter and selective enrolllment schools.  

Through Feb. 16, we are working to get as many neighborhood kids enrolled as we can for Fall 2017 in Kindergarten and 1st Grade so that we can better prepare for enrollment needs. 

If you live in the Prescott attendance area (roughly defined as Fullerton to Diversey, Lakewood to Damen), and you have a child entering Kindergarten or 1st grade, please register by THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 at the school. 

By registering now, you can help the school to prevent class size problems in September.   

School registration hours are 8AM-4PM in the main office.

There is a tour on Tuesday, February 14 at 9am.   Please arrive timely.  No RSVP required.  

You can learn more about Prescott via Prescott Parents or through the CPS website

If you live in the Prescott attendance area you are helping your neighborhood home values by supporting the school!  Get in and get your kids registered by Thursday, February 16!